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Frequently Asked Questions About Head Lice

Can head lice jump or fly?

No they can’t. This is a common misconception as head lice can spread to anyone extremely fast. Head lice are wingless and have 6 little claws.

Why does my head itch so much?

Uncontrollable head itching comes from the saliva of the louse as it penetrates through your scalp for feeding. Itching can even occur for up to 4 weeks after you’ve been treated.

Can I still have head lice even if my head doesn't itch?

Yes, you can still have head lice even if you’re not itching! Not everyone reacts to lice saliva the same way (some may itch, some might not at all).

Why do I keep getting head lice after treatment?

If members of your immediate family are exposed, and they’re not all treated, the chances of passing head lice to one another increases greatly. In addition, head lice can leave an odor from the saliva on your scalp that attracts the risk of re-infection.

What are Super Lice?

Super Lice are a type of head lice that have become immune to OTC pesticides and prescription medications.

Why do I catch head lice?

Most people can catch head lice by sharing all sorts of things including brushes, hats, scarves, pillows, and towels used by someone who’s infected.

How do I know if I have lice?

Signs of lice may be bites on neck, scratching of the head, fatigued in the mornings, small white clusters in the hair (nits).

What color are head lice bugs?

Head lice bugs can vary in colors from opaque, tan, light brown, and dark brown. If you’re unsure about whether you have head lice or not, please reach out to us through our contact form.

How big are head lice?

Adult head lice are about the size of a sesame seed.

What are these white specs in my hair?

The white specs you’re most likely referring to are what we call “nits”. They’re the unhatched eggs of head lice.